900 Stitches and Counting

January 17, 2011 § 6 Comments

It was -23 C withOUT the windchill this morning.  Trust me, even for us, that’s cold.  The blessing was that we didn’t get any more snow.  Double blessing is that Daughter and I didn’t have anywhere we had to go.

And the timing couldn’t have been more perfect because in the mail today (yes, the mail made it – I was a little surprised) I finally got my Christmas package from my friend’s Mom in B.C.  She’s a lovely woman who, for the last decade or so, treats my like a part of her family.

I got…oh my gosh it’s so cool…my eyes lit up when I saw it and I did a little happy dance.  Okay, okay…I got a DVD copy of the 8 part miniseries adaptation of my all time favourite book…Pillars of the Earth.  It is such a thoughtful gift and I moved that she remembered.

Good thing I had been working on my novel before Daughter checked the mail or the 3 pages I managed to get done, might not have been written.  Yes, I actually got passed the rifling through papers and rereading, finally putting some more words into action.  I’m very pleased with the results too.  There’s nothing like spending two hours working on a scene that you end up hating and tossing.  😉

So when Daughter brought in the package and I opened it, that was it.  The rest of my day and evening had been planned for me.  I did a quick tidy of my laptop and papers, stacking it all neatly to one side of the table.  I tossed some leftover quiche into the microwave, I popped the first DVD into the player, grabbed a duvet and my knitting and settled in for the long haul.

At 900 stitches and counting, 15 rows, I’m still just over halfway through Daughter’s Dr.Who scarf and almost done the 4th Episode.  Guilt?  Well, maybe a little…then I go open the front door and it gets sucked out by the freezing wind.



§ 6 Responses to 900 Stitches and Counting

  • Shady Lady says:

    You wrote!! How cool is that?! It sounds like you are taking some time for yourself in a very awesome way. I think I’m getting jealous…

  • Sheri says:

    Shady – I did and it was VERY cool. I was a little surprised myself but once I got going it just started to flow. Hopefully I can keep it up. 😀

  • Colleen says:

    I’m so glad you’re writing! And what a thoughtful gift from your friend. Did you like the miniseries? I haven’t seen it but I really liked the book…

  • Sheri says:

    Colleen – Thanks, me too. It feels good to get back at it. And yes, I LOVE the miniseries. Of course, it couldn’t do the book justice but it is very well done. 😀

  • Cate says:

    Well done on the writing AND the knitting!

    Didn’t realise that there was a miniseries. Have the first two books, although I was quite as thrilled with them as you are 🙂

  • Sheri says:

    Cate – Thanks, I’m rather pleased. I actually wasn’t very impressed with the sequel, it was too much like the first book. 😀

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