Project 2011 – Week Five

February 3, 2011 § 8 Comments

Yes, I sucked it up and, despite my dismal week, I’m going to post anyway.  I think I might find that I was being a bit of a drama queen when thinking I might not post at all.

1)  The Paleo diet and exercise regiment is still being adhered to, though I have laxed some on both, and I’ve lost 7lbs.  Though I don’t feel particularly energetic because of some recent women’s issues, I am pleased more than anything that I’ve stuck with it.

2) Haven’t written a word this week.  Actually, I never even made an attempt.

3) Oh yikes…that whole pampering myself thing.  I tried to get my hair done this week, I really did.  Sunday morning I called a local place I’ve never been to thinking I would try them out and got no answer.  Figured they were closed…no biggie.  Tried calling again Monday morning but again, I got the machine.  Figure they were busy…no biggie.

I had to go out anyway so I tried stopping by later that morning.  They were closed despite the sign on the door that said  HOURS OF OPERATION – Mondays 9am – 6pm.  By this time I was discouraged, as well as PMSing in the worst way, and I just got back in the car and went home putting the whole idea out of my head.

4) Still no poetry.  Yay!  Really, I’m actually very pleased about this.  I’m not even missing it and that’s a little weird considering how much I had been defining myself through my poems.

5) Well, I was kind to myself this week by way of letting myself experience what I felt without judging myself for it.  Doesn’t mean I was entirely happy with how I dealt with everything but I didn’t allow myself to make up and then draw everyone around me into a big drama about it.  That there, for me, is another leap into adulthood.

See, I was right…not as bad as I thought it was.

Off to check out how everyone else’s week was.

§ 8 Responses to Project 2011 – Week Five

  • Cate says:

    Seems to me that you are doing great. You have a big one on me – consistency – and it is showing with your healthy eating. The other things like writing etc will ebb and flow a bit depending where you are at with family etc.


  • Bernie says:

    You lost seven pounds, even through PMS and her nasty sister? You go girl! That is impressive as heck. I usually gain at that time of the month.

    Well you did try to get your hairs done. Are you going to try it again this week? I think it would perk you right up. It could be an ongoing story of you stalking the hair ladies and them not being around.

    The nice thing is when the week is done, there is always another to follow. Just keep plugging away. Who knows, by not writing for a while, you may open a flood gate of inspiration.

  • Candace says:

    I’m with Bernie….7 lbs. and Aunt Flo? This is the second time I’ve heard of the Paleo diet this week. I’m going to have to check that out. I think you are doing great. If I can hold it together without crying or getting angry when I’m pms’ing, I think it’s a good day. I’m dealing with those perimenopause issues, as well. I feel ya, Sister. Hang in there, girl!!

  • Shady Lady says:

    I knew it!! You had a rockin’ week!! 7 pounds is totally awesome, especially at that time of the month. Paleo is awesome, isn’t it?! I totally love it. Yippee!!!

  • makeitgiveit says:

    Awesome work on the weightloss and the perseverance – that is totally cool. Well done you!

  • Sheri says:

    Wow, you ladies rock my world. Thank you sooooo much for all the kind words of support.

    I do have to give more credit to the Paleo diet than my half assed attempts at exercise though. The weight loss has leveled off and though I haven’t put any back on yet, I know I have to up my physical activity to keep it going.

    Still, my hope of losing 15lbs looks way more promising now and I’m really keen to get back on track.


  • Wooohoooooo!!! 7lbs! Maybe I need to step on the scale after all… just to check. Numbers are powerful, aren’t they? 😉 So maybe I should NOT step on the scale. Damn!
    Gotta love Paleo!

  • Sheri says:

    Freckles – Funny you should mention that. I’ve actually decided to limit myself to checking the scales once a week. And yes, I’m loving the Paleo. Not just because of the obvious weight loss, but I also find I’m really enjoying the cooking and coming up with recipes.

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