Project 2011 – Week Twenty-Three

June 9, 2011 § 4 Comments

Is it just me or do the weeks seem to be flying by?  Well, let’s just get on with it then.

1) I’ve lost another two pounds.  Which is good I suppose but I haven’t really done any exercises.  I have been watching what I eat, drinking less wine and getting outdoors more to work in the backyard…so maybe it’s all relative.  Once the pool has reached swimable temps though, I fully intend to get out there for some daily laps.

2) I’ve put away the novel for now.  It’s been too much to try and fit it in and I’m tired of feeling guilty for not getting at it.  I’m not sure when I’ll pick it back up again but for now I’ve put it out of mind and am taking it off my list.

3) Kinder to myself was doing the above and not beating myself up about it.

4) So close and yet so far.  Daughter’s Dr. Who scarf is very near completion but not near enough to call it done.  I may get the last of the rows finished today but then I still have to join both halves and tuck in all the loose bits.  I’m just going to post a pic when it’s actually, finally, totally finished.

5) My gardens are doing very well and in a few weeks we should start seeing some of the actual fruit, or rather vegetables, of our labour.  😀

How was your week?



§ 4 Responses to Project 2011 – Week Twenty-Three

  • Cate says:

    Yay!!! I’m toasting yours and my weight loss with my Friday night treat of bubbly 🙂 (Oh, and I’ve had chocolate too – post weigh in celebration).

    I’m with you on the novel thing too. It’s a matter of adjusting goals to what works with your lifestyle at the time too, and as it is summer for you, getting out and about is priority. Am sitting here in a cold house with the rain pouring down outside wishing that I could pop over……

  • Shady Lady says:

    Woo hoo for another 2 pounds! (and exercise does not facilitate weight loss, just so ya know. Not that exercise isn’t good for other things, just weight loss is NOT one of them. 🙂 )

    Can’t wait to see the scarf, but remember to be kind with yourself about that, too. 🙂

  • Bernie says:

    Good for you!! I’m sure that the pool would be a great place to get exercise in. 2 lbs without killing yourself is great!
    Can’t wait to see the scarf.

  • Sheri says:

    Thanks girls! It’s been a good couple of weeks and I’m hoping that it just keeps up.


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