Holy Crap! Even for us…

February 13, 2016 § 2 Comments


Right now it is -25 C with a windchill of -39 C  (-13 F and -38.6 F respectively).

I actually didn’t know that C and F equalized at -40 degrees.  I don’t understand it of course but I guess in any language, even a mathematical one, fuckin’ cold is just fuckin’ cold.  😀

In any case, it’s good cause to have a roaring fire or

…just hide under a wool blanket.


§ 2 Responses to Holy Crap! Even for us…

  • shadyladypdx says:

    I know you said it, but I have to say it too… Holy crap! That is ridiculously cold!!! I cannot even imagine. Snuggle up and stay warm, my friend. 🙂

    • Sheri says:

      I know, right? The extreme cold was made worse by how mild the weather had been up until then. It was a real slap in the face. It did warm up not long after and then…well, see today’s post.

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