Organize – 2013’s Word of the Year

January 20, 2013 § 5 Comments

Inspired by Shady Lady’s post The Big Reveal, I’m adopting Shady’s word for the year, ORGANIZE.

I took it a step further and came up with the following expansion…


It seems fitting with what’s been going on around here the last couple of weeks. Between finishing up the library and the subsequent rearranging of our “stuff”, we’ve been decluttering, sorting, cleaning and purging like mad.

And it feels absolutely amazing!

It most definitely is an expenditure of energy but I’m looking at it like I would a financial investment.Β  Yes, it’s costing some now but later I’ll reap much more interest in the way of time to recharge and take stock without all this stuff and crap filling my home and my head.

It really is amazing how much our things can weigh us down, physically, mentally and emotionally. I suppose that’s why they call it baggage. In any case, I’m a huge proponent of if you haven’t used, worn or appreciated something in the last twelve months, you probably don’t need it.

Note how I qualified with appreciate?

Reality is we don’t really use everything we fill our homes and spaces with. I have books that I haven’t opened in decades but that doesn’t mean I’m about to toss, donate or gift them.Β  My photos don’t all get looked at yearly but I’m not parting with those either. I have buried treasure in the basement that I haven’t seen in five years but I know it’s there and finding it is an adventure waiting to happen.

So, for 2013 my goal is to sort through all of my 40 years of accumulated stuff and either find a place for it or gift it or donate it or throw it out…in that order.Β  I’m not spending another year putting off, avoiding and making excuses.

Who’s with me?

§ 5 Responses to Organize – 2013’s Word of the Year

  • shadyladypdx says:

    You go, girl! I am sooooo with you! Let’s do this. I am super excited about get organized this year. And I am definitely using and sharing your ORGANIZE acronym (is that an acronym?)! Ooh! Maybe we can post an update? I don’t want to commit to a weekly update…too much pressure. How about every other week or monthly? What do you say, Sheri? πŸ™‚

    • Sheri says:

      Yay! I am also very excited about this. There’s nothing quite as rewarding and pulling up your sleeves and really gettin’ er done. Yep, I think weekly is too much pressure also, my vote is for monthly…with before and after pics. πŸ˜›

      • shadyladypdx says:

        Awesome! Check out my blog on Friday. I’m posting about this and I am hoping that someone can help me turn a picture into an HTML button with code so that you can grab it and others too, if they’d like to join us. Is that something your hubby knows how to do? πŸ˜‰

  • Sheri says:

    Hey Shady, cool, I’m looking forward to your post. I saw the button on your blog, awesome. Actually, I used to know how to do the code for that but I’m a little rusty. I take it you want the address to point back to the post you’re putting up tomorrow? I’ll look into it and either figure it out or get Hubby to help. Oh, and guess what? Hubby is going to join us, he’s been doing a lot of organizing too…he’d like to participate as a means to keep him motivated. πŸ˜›

    • shadyladypdx says:

      What did you think? I wasn’t sure what use for the background of the button, but I thought that worked. I would love for it to link to Friday’s post. If you or your hubby could figure it out, that would ROCK! And that is totally awesome that your hubby is joining us on the organizing extravaganza! Woohoo!!

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